Brand-New Athletics Track At Carver Barracks In Essex

July 21, 2022

The team at Fox Sports have been busy laying the base layer of this brand-new athletics track at Carver Barracks in Essex, bonded using Rosehill Sports & Play’s Flexilon® FX 1230 Binder.
Flexilon® FX 1230 is very slow curing for use in warm climates, on warm substrates or where slow curing or a very long open time is a particular requirement. It is a solvent-free, single component, moisture-curing binder based on polyether polyols. It is MDI based, contains no volatile monomer and is TDI free.
We have been developing MDI polyurethane binders for sports, play, and industrial applications since 1989, and over that time have developed an extensive range of Flexilon® binders for the sports and play market, each with a different cure rate, allowing you to select the binder most suited to local conditions wherever you are in the world.