Rosehill TPV® Featured in Sydney’s iconic Olympic Park.

April 26, 2024

Bicentennial Park West, nestled within Sydney’s iconic Olympic Park, hosts a serene playground that stands out for its commitment to inclusivity, featuring a variety of play equipment accessible to children with diverse abilities. To enhance safety and minimise the risk of common playground accidents like slips, trips, and falls, the area is fitted with a vibrant Rosehill TPV® soft-fall surface, providing essential cushioning for play.

Our pour-in-place rubber is not only safe and allergy-free but also devoid of any harmful substances, ensuring it does not release any contaminants into the environment. Rosehill TPV® is used for playgrounds across Australia, owing to its exceptional UV resistance, which ensures that the surfaces remain soft and retain their vibrant colours, even after enduring years of exposure to harsh conditions.

Thanks to Glooloop Surfacing Pty Ltd & Surface Designs TPV

Sydeny Olymbpic Park 1